Fireworks in New York beautiful
Has it been almost a week already?
The Big-Wig event was a HUGE success! I will post pictures as soon as I can. Sean and I won a beautiful basket filled to the brim with boating paraphernalia so he was a happy camper. We also won a weekend here...(doesn't that look divine?!) AND we learned how to ballroom dance! Right now we're nearing the end of a very busy week. I've been getting ready for the next big cousin's wedding in June! I can't wait, as it is sure to be beautiful. The girls needed new passports and mine was up for renewal...and there were dress fittings and Bridal Shower preparations...too fun!
So far this first week of April hasn't been too overwhelming. Let's see...we booked my daughter's Sweet Sixteen -- for May 2009! We were persuaded to do this a year in advance, as the place she wanted was booking up quickly...Sean is convinced we'll have to mortgage the house to pay for it. Sean and I are hosting a table for my friend Jeff's benefit dinner/auction on April 17...Allie's class performed their annual Shakespeare Festival today (you should have seen me, the paper artist, attempting to make alterations to her very elaborate Elizabethan costume last night. I finally gave up at midnight and stapled the thing together!)...Amanda made the travel team for softball which meant driving two hours, in the rain, to a game on the east end of Long Island, only to have the home team forfeit during the first five minutes, as of Monday, I am officially a graduate student of Graphic Design...classes start at the end of the month...and I'm leaving for a weekend retreat with my crafty girlfriends tomorrow morning and haven't started packing yet. Other than that, it's been pretty quiet around here. How about you guys?
Just two more days until the Big Wig event. We're in the home stretch now...I'll post again next week when I catch my breath...wish I could wear this (see pic) to the ball!
My friend, if I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see yourself as others see you... then you would realize what a truly special person you are. - Barbara A. Billings
The angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus,who was crucified. He is not here; He has risen, just as He said." Matthew 28:5-6
Easter, or Resurrection Day, as many Christians refer to the holiday, is a time when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Christians believe according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life three days after his death on the cross. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life.
Father, for the Gift You gave,
I bow before Your throne,
and thank You for eternal life,
and a place I can call Home.
I thank You for forgiveness,
through the blood our Savior shed;
beaten, shunned and crucified,
for us, He gladly bled.
But the grave could never hold Him,
hallelujah, He arose;
firstborn of resurrection,
Savior of the flock He chose.
Soon He's coming back for us,
and we'll meet Him in the sky,
for He said He'd take us with Him
to His Father's Home on high.
Yeshua, Son of Yahweh,
King of kings to those He knows;
please gather us to Your sweet side;
hallelujah, He arose!
Poem by Peggy:
I managed to finally finish my entry for Karen's Mother Goose Swap, but not before I made a huge mess on my dining room table (as you will see in the following pictures).
I was surrounded by a few of my favorite things...
Poor Dora will never be the same:
Now we're groovin'...
Here's some pics of the finished book...
I'm off to start our St. Patrick's Day dinner...I'm married to an Irishman, so today's celebrations are part and parcel of the whole Cunningham gig...spread some joy today!!
I know. I know. I should have warned you. Sorry about that!
No I haven't started a private club that is "invite" only, although sometimes I wish I could. Let me assure you there is nothing so dramatic happening over here. I've been contemplating, with great measure, what to do with my blasted blog. We have serious issues that need immediate resolution. In a nutshell, we don't get along; so I've decided to call a truce. I'll give dear blog a complete makeover and it will stop demanding constant updates. As we began to experiment behind the scenes with new designs, we thought it would be less confusing if we just close the whole thing down. The only way to do that inTypepad is to password-protect the entire site. That's all...No secret agent stuff here.
So what have I been up to? Well, I'm in the middle of helping to organize a fundraising event for my daughter's school. This is a huge, Big-Wig (that is what you call truly important people who donate lots of money, right?) Mega-Formal Gala know, the kind you have to get seriously and outrageously dressed up for? It's by far the biggest party of the school year, and yours truly is right in the thick of it. Now I know what it's like to have a full-time job as an event planner. The planning, coordination, negotiating and details are never ending. I've come to the conclusion that I'm much happier playing with my paper and gesso, and certainly more relaxed. On the plus side, everyone I'm working with is cordial and efficient. I can't tell you how impressed I am with all the work they are doing. These women are like a fine-tuned, well-oiled machine. I love it, seriously.
I'm playing many different roles throughout this process, but my "real" job is that of a copywriter. I am responsible for writing over 200 auction descriptions for the event brochure...did you get that? Let me say it again so you can feel thoroughly sorry for me (LOL)...We have 200+ themed gift baskets that we're auctioning off and I have to describe the contents of each in such a way that even the poorest of people would want to run to the bank and take out a loan to bid on each one. I told Sean to sell the car so we can buy a few raffle tickets. He thinks the shoes in my closet would bring in more money. Still this is not as bad as it sounds. Once you decide that sleep is terribly overrated and showering is a non-essential activity everything else is a piece of cake. The BigWig event takes place on March 29 and then the world becomes a better place in which to live, and I can begin posting regularly again.
Until then...HAPPY SPRING!! (have faith my dear friends, it's coming!) and don't forget to turn your clocks ahead tonight at midnight.
Hugs and blessings,
Yeah! Today is my friend Dorey's birthday! I made 12 of these little 4x4 mini-cards with coordinating (and pre-stamped!) envelopes for her. Quick, simple,and FUN. I love it. When you're busy and want to create, quick and simple is like a breath of fresh air. Yes, we are permitted as mixed media artists to occasionally take breaks from layering, collaging and getting knee deep in gesso. Right now, for me, it's the giving that matters. So we're off for a day of fun with my dear sweet friend. See you soon. xoxo
PS. I've been getting a ton of emails about not being able to get in because the blog was password protected. No, it wasn't you! Sorry about that. We were testing things a few fun things. Stay tuned...Things will be a changin' over here real soon! Thanks for checking up on me:-)...
So sorry this is going up late. I had to make 34 Valentine's treat bags for my two daughters. They love handing out little gifts to their teachers and friends. Unfortunately I was so rushed to get these out that I forgot to take pictures! They turned out so cute. Anyway, I'm just walking in the door. Lots going on today, but I am so excited. I just love this holiday!
So here are our One World, One Heart winners:
1. Sweetheart Box: Deena Warner
2. Candy-filled Heart Box: Traci
3. Basic Grey Infuse Collection: Janet Detrich-Mills
Congratulations ladies! I'll be emailing you for your postal addresses later today.
Thank you everyone for visiting my blog and participating in this event. I enjoyed meeting and visiting with all of you!
Many blessings,
Here are a few things I learned about love:
1. Love never fails...
2. Love means being an example, not a critic
3. Love means being the change you would like to see in others
4. If someone says you hurt their feelings, apologize...even if you don't think you did anything wrong.
5. Plant good seeds, even when the situation is ugly.
6. Guarding your heart does not mean tearing up someone else's.
7. When things go wrong, realize there is a real enemy at work, and it's not the other person
8. Don't attack someone's character without first taking a good look at your own.
9. Your words can bring life, or death...choose wisely
10. Realize that God loves everyone else as much as He loves you.
Enjoy this beautiful day my dear friends, and all the goodness and joy that it brings! My husband, Sean, is taking the girls and I out to dinner tonight. He proposed to me 18 years ago today so we always celebrate as a family, since it sort of represents the beginning of our family. I can't wait!
Look for my announcement of our One World One Heart winners at Noon EST.
Have a LOVE-ly day!! XOXO
I'm looking forward to participating in Lisa's 2nd annual "One World One Heart" event this year. This is an amazing worldwide blogging event which was designed to create community and friendship. Last year there were over 100 participants. This year there are well over 240 bloggers participating from all over the world. I LOVE it!! All the participants have posted a gift on their blogs that they would like to give away on Valentine's Day.
In honor of Lisa's vision I've decided to give away this little sweetheart box. If you would like a chance to win this gift, please leave a comment to this post by midnight February 13. The winner will be drawn on Valentine's Day, February 14th. You need not have a blog to win, but please do leave me a link to your email address so I can notify the winner. And as always, thanks so much for visiting my little cyber space and for your gracious comments. Here's to friendships blooming!!!! xoxo
UPDATE: Thanks for entering my drawing! I will be adding a prize for every 50 comments. As of right now there are 85, so I'm adding a second prize (photograph coming tomorrow). If we reach 100 I will add a third! Thank you for visiting and for your participation! xoxo
Here's Prize #2...a decorated heart-shaped Valentine's tin filled to the brim with minature goodies all decked out in their holiday garb made by my friend Felicia...thanks so much for participating in my giveaway. xoxo
UPDATE: 2/11/08 Well, we just hit 100 comments. I'm so excited to add more prizes to my giveaway. I'll post a third picture tomorrow. How exciting....three winners! Thank you for participating in this international blogging event. I see some of you are also posting giveaways. I'd like to encourage everyone to visit each other, even after Valentine's Day. I've met my closest friends through blogging. Maybe you'll make some new ones too! Thanks again for participating. xoxo
2/12/08 - I am having way too much fun with this giveaway event! I'd like to post a third prize for your 100 comments, but I'm running short of time and can't whip up anything, so I thought it would be great to give away something you can add to your stash and use your own about the entire collection of Basic Grey Infuse papers! I think you'll love the beautiful patterns and colors in this paper pack. It's so versatile. Thanks again for participating with me.
I decided to try my hand at scrapbooking. Right now I don't see myself doing a lot of this, but I feel a need to get involved with it. My daughters LOVE seeing pictures that were taken during their infant and toddler years. They also love looking at old family photos of people they have never met, and occasionally I catch them "oohing" and "ahhing" over our wedding pictures. Same with vacation photos, pet photos, holiday photos...I don't know what it is, but these girls love looking at pictures! At first I thought I would just organize the photos into a simple photo book for them, but that didn't seem to be enough. They want to hear the stories behind the pictures, and they want to hear them over and over again. So this is sort of like a mission. Something I have to do. I do it for them, and I do it for me because I am always in search of a creative outlet. The fact is that we all have a story to share. Why not do it creatively?
The Journaling reads " I don't care how poor a man is, if he has family, he is rich". xoxo
Here's today's Etsy: Thursday's Etsy Valentine's Showcase and a few of my faves:
Pearl Earrings Love Banner
And I decided to rework the Photo Box cover...yeah, I'm bored. A bad back and boredom seem to go hand in hand...but it's all good. I was rummaging through my stash and found a few things that I liked much better...
Okey-doke. Gotta run and feed the sick (yes, they're still sick!) kiddos...xoxo
Feeling much better today so I decided to play with my new Fancy Pants and Sandra Evertson stamps...
Patterned paper is by Webster's Design. I hope you all are enjoying your day. I'm going to hang out with my girls tonight and watch my favorite Jane Austen movie. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comments. xoxo
I don't know about you, but I can't concentrate on anything when my house is in disarray. It doesn't matter where the mess is...It could be on top of me or a several feet away...the mere fact that it's there will be enough to throw me in a tizzy. So image my state of mind this past weekend when every room of the house looked like "Dorothy after the Tornado". I mean every...single... room! I was surrounded by mass chaos...piles of books, magazines, clean laundry, dirty laundry, coats, toys, my husband's work papers, blueprints (he's an engineer) and boxes and boxes of art stuff (I don't have a dedicated space, actually I do; I should say I don't have a dining room). So what do you think I did? That's right! I started cleaning.
First stop was the basement; and that ended up being my last stop because after two hours of emptying and moving boxes I bent over to grab my tea and couldn't straighten up!! Every time I tried to right myself I felt a searing pain from my rear end to my tippy toes, and I knew I was in trouble. Yep, I threw my back out... but my basement looks awesome! The only problem is I can't sit or stand for very long. A minor detail, I I've taken to pacing from room to room glaring at the mess. Maybe I can talk it into disappearing.
Thank God I have a great chiropractor. He's definitely worth every dime my insurance pays him! And Sean gave me this yummy fruit juice that works like an anti-inflammatory, and best of all, my girls give me lots of hugs, so it isn't all that bad!
Hopefully I'll be back soon...:-)
I LOVE making cards, but lately I just haven't had the time. I didn't even send out Christmas cards last year because the task just seemed too big compared to all the other things I had to do. So, in the interest of time, I went to Hallmark and bought a few cards that had a "handmade" look. You've seen them, they have a pretty bow, perhaps some glitter...a little "something" that makes them LOOK handmade...even though they're not. Now I have nothing against Hallmark, as a matter of fact, I LOVE Hallmark, but boy did I feel guilty buying these cards (even though they were very pretty!)! I figured, "Hey, I'm crafty! I should be (1) making these myself or (2) buying these from other crafty people. If I'm going to spend my hard-earned money, I'd rather give it to another craftsman than to the Hallmark store.
So, this year I made a promise to myself to buy handmade whenever possible. I realize I may not always be able to do this, but like I said, I will whenever possible. I've been checking out the "stores" on Etsy, and am enamored with the creativity and ingenuity of some of the artists I have met there. So I've included in today's post a link to the Valentine's Showcase on Etsy (which is updated daily), along with pics of a few of my faves...check these out when you have a moment.
Fillable Fabric Cone with Roses
And look at this sweet collage from my friend Karin's Etsy Shop:
Here are links to a few of my friends' Etsy shops:
Nicole - Small Treasures
Shannon - Paper Eclectiques
Ann - Digital Paperie
Candice - Polka Dot Parlor
Have fun shopping! xoxo
I'm working on a photo project for 2008.
I bought this Creative Imaginations Bare Elements set:
It's so sweet -- a large heavy-duty box with 12 small chipboard books. I'm going to use one book for each month of the year and fill it with our favorite pictures from that month.
So far, I have the outside cover for the box finished:
and hope to be finished with January's book this weekend. Lots of collaged Daisy D's Modern Romance papers, a few vintage wallpapers, Hambly overlay, my favorite flourish stamps (I have WAY too many of these) and a bit of gesso for good luck:-)...more to come.
I almost cried when I found this at my local bookstore. It totally made my day! Forget the laundry, forget the dishes...dinner? What dinner??? It ain't happenin' today. I'm going to soak these pages in one at a time as slowly as I can. Yes, it's THAT beautiful. You must see this for yourself. I'm totally in love...