Thursday, March 18, 2010

Save the Cheerleader; Save the World...

cast of NBC's "Heroes"

Yeah! I finally had a chance to get out and enjoy the glorious weather we've been having here on Long Island. The temps are in the 60's and I can hear the little birdies singing! I love it. But I'm not lovin' my school break. Spring Break is proving not to be a break at all for me. I've been running around like a crazy woman - chauffeuring the kids, running errands, taking care of doctor's appointments...UGH! I finally decided to put a stop to all the madness and chill out until classes start again. I think I've cooked one meal in the past 4 days (Corned Beef and Cabbage for St. Patty's Day yesterday) and I've managed to keep up with the laundry; that's about it though. I really don't care what my house looks like this week. hehe... I'm having a blast watching episodes of the TV show "Heroes" (thanks to my friend Joyce who has me totally addicted to this series). I watched 4 hours of it last night on Netflix while working on the project below.

This is for a "shaped fan book" swap hosted by Alpha Stamps...can you see the fan shape? Everyone makes 5 pages and receives 5 back. I like it because it's a different theme than most other swaps I have participated in.

That's it for now. Thanks for visiting and sticking around with me despite my whacky posting schedule! My blog buddies are very special to me and I love hearing from you:-). Stay tuned cuz next week I'm doing something special with these two chickies...Deb and Mel...and I'm thinking about dragging BFF Audrey into some mischief too!
